East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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South Sudan — Event Tracking: Yei (13 March 2019)

Approximately 14,487 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have fled to Yei (84%) and Mugwo (16%) since January 2019 at the time of reporting. IDPs have primarily fled Otogo, Mykaya and Mugwo due to conflict.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (January 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan and at its borders.

Ethiopia — Benishangul Gumuz/ East and West Wellega Rapid Response Assessment 1 (8 — 16 February 2019)

Localized conflict in Benishangul Gumuz region (BSG) and East and West Wollega zones of Oromia region beginning in the last week of September 2018 is believed to have displaced an estimated 191,752 individuals comprising 36,438  households.

Ethiopia — Gedeo and West Guji Rapid Response Assessment 5 (1-13 February 2019)

From April to July 2018 a localized conflict in Gedeo and West Guji zones caused the displacement of an estimated 958,175 people.

Burundi — Suivi des urgences (03 — 09 Mars 2019)

Ce suivi des urgences a été realisé au Burundi pendant la semaine du 03 au 09 mars 2019. La DTM a identifié 510 personnes affectées réparties dans 101 ménages des provinces de Bujumbura Rural et Cankuzo.

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 4 — Returnee Population By County

This map shows South Sudan's returnee population by county from Mobility Tracking Round 4 data. 

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 4 — IDP Sites

This map, derived from Mobility Tracking Round 4 data, shows IDP sites within South Sudan.

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 4 — Presence of IDPs/Returnees by county

This map, derived from South Sudan's Mobility Tracking Round 4 data, compares IDP and returnee populations by county. 

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 4 — IDP population by county

This map shows South Sudan's IDP population by county from Mobility Tracking Round 4 data.

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 4 — IDP & Returnee Locations

This map, derived from Mobility Tracking Round 4 data, shows IDP and returnee locations within South Sudan.

Burundi — Baseline Dashboard (January 2019)

In January 2019, DTM identified 134,054 Internally Displaced Persons in Burundi (4 per cent less compared to December 2018), of which 55 per cent were females and 45 per cent were males.

Burundi — Dashboard des déplacements (Janvier 2019)

Au cours du mois de janvier, la DTM a identifié 134.054 personnes déplacées internes (4 pour cent moins qu’au cours du mois de décembre 2018). Les principaux motifs de déplacement ont été : désastres naturels (76%) et la situation socio-politique (24%).

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/South Sudan Border (1-15 February 2019)

Over the reporting period a total of 17,009 individual movements were observed at six (6) flow monitoring points at the border with the Republic of South Sudan (SSD).

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/DRC Border (1-15 February 2019)

Over the reporting period a total of 34,793 movements were observed at nine (9) flow monitoring points at the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The increase in flows registered through the DTM is due to the opening of new FMPs in Goli, Madepo, and Butogota in January.

Burundi — Suivi des urgences (24 Février—2 Mars)

Ce document donne des informations sur les urgences au Burundi pour la semaine du 24 février au 2 mars 2019. La DTM a identifié 438 personnes affectées dont 129 personnes déplacées par des pluies torrentielles et par du vent violent. 

East and Horn of Africa — 2019 Info Sheet

DTM Regional office, has supported the establishment of a network of 65 Flow Monitoring points along the three main migration corridors in the Region (see map above) in Djibouti (11), Ethiopia (5), Somalia (7), South Sudan (19), Uganda (15) and Burundi (8).

South Sudan — Wau Flow Monitoring (Jul-Dec 2018)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) measures mixed migration flows at two transportation hubs linking Wau with Juba and Abyei Administrative Area (AAA).

South Sudan — Abyei Adm. Area Flow Monitoring (Jul-Dec 2018)

Amiet Market, located in Abyei Administrative Area (AAA) represents one of the main transport nodes linking Sudan (SD) and South Sudan (SSD).

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Janvier 2019)

Le nombre d'individus observés aux FMPs a diminué de 38% entre le mois de décembre 2018 et de janvier 2019, passant de 22 048 individus à 13 594.

Burundi — Suivi des urgences (17 — 23 Février 2019)

Ce document donne des informations sur les urgences au Burundi pour la semaine du 17 février au 23 février 2019. La DTM a identifié 1,702 personnes affectées dont 864 personnes déplacées par des pluies torrentielles et par du vent violent.&nb

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (Jan 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates 7 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Yambio, Yei and Morobo counties. Six additional FMPs are operated in cooperation with DTM Uganda just across the border with South Sudan (SSD).

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Report (December 2018)

From 01 to 31 December 2018, 42,785 movements were registered at 8 flow monitoring points, namely Mbundi and Rusumo (Muyinga province), Mukambati and Ntibitobangwa (Cankuzo province), Mungano and Kabuyenge (Ruyigi province), Kwa Elidadi and Kwa Ntunaguzi (Rutana province).

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